Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Impression Formation in Social Psychology Essay

Impression Formation in Social Psychology - Essay Example After a long day of regulating behaviors at work or at school, for instance, resources for controlling other person's traits could be limited; reading for tests or going to the gym. Research by Buss, M. G & Graig, K.L (2000) assumes that feeling regulation approaches would demand disparate echelons of behavioral management on the audience where feeling is rather contained. For instance, in comparison with being decent, more management is needed when we swank to others we are familiar with since they are much informed about our well being and could easily approve the impression we tend to construct. Correspondingly, traits ought to govern more when portraying decency to outsiders unlike swanking about the self. The implicit here it that it constructs so much sense to depict ourselves in the most prospective fashion to individuals we don't comprehend well, and being self-effacing does not achieve this intention. A vivid scenario is that where four college roommates that attend a party where they meet friends and classmates that know them closely and consequently interact with strangers who conceive so little about them. Juvenile men have conversations with either friends or strangers and they either swank about their achievements or depict the self in a modest manner. Soon after, the roommates are confronted with a temptation where governing their traits is quite significant; students are questioned to give forecasts concerning how well every man will respond to temptation. Their results are then tabulated with the founding by Vohs et al. Impression Management Theory Impression management hypothesis contents that persons are generally stimulated to advance the self by presenting themselves in ways that are rather positively appealing to their counterparts. According to Buss, M. G & Graig, K.L (2000) the knack to govern other person impressions of us is an imperative aspect in numerous actions, for instance when trying to please the employer during a job interview. When helplessly seeking for support from friends. By itself, impression hypothesis is inclined on an interpersonal procedure. Social psychology confirms that there exist, numerous line of attack through which persons employ to express an appealing reflection to others. Gratifying those that have reserves we seek for, relating with flourishing others, disconnecting with abortive others and constructing of excuses for our malfunction as well as threatening others. Humility and self-importance are two lines of attack emphasized in this case. Arrogance happens when we decorate our positive characteristic and also hide our unconstructive distinctiveness. Reticence transpire when we present out qualities in a way that is either arrogant nor self-disparaging Self-Regulation Theory Self governing hypothesis is oriented towards person's competence to monitor and organize their mannerisms to accomplish preferred intentions. This presumption is related with that ability to modify automatic, customary or instinctive qualities, urges, sensation and requirements that would otherwise mess up with intentions directed manners. For instance students self govern especially when they revise for exam unlike whether

Monday, October 28, 2019

Drugs and Society Essay Example for Free

Drugs and Society Essay 1b. List and describe briefly the major structures of the brain, as presented in your textbook, including the function of those elements that are most related to psychoactive drug reaction. The first layer of the brain is the cortex which covers the top and sides of the brain. This area controls reasoning and language, and this area will be less active when under sedative drugs. The basal ganglia are located underneath the cortex and it is made up of by the striatum. The striatum controls muscle tone and is part of the dopamine pathway which is a potential transport highway for psychoactive drugs. The hypothalamus is at the base of the brain and serves as liaison between the brain and pituitary gland. The pituitary hormonal output is involved in behaviors such as feeding and temperature regulation. The limbic system affects emotion, location memory, and physical activity. Along the brain stem are the medulla, midbrain, and pons from which contain the bulk of neurons that create dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. The lower brain stem controls vomiting and respiratory functions. If affected, the respiratory function can be suppressed by drugs. 1c. Describe the life cycle of a typical neurotransmitter. A cell membrane with the uptake of a particular precursor absorbs amino acids to create a neurotransmitter. The amino acids undergo synthesis with a reaction with enzymes to become a neurotransmitter. Once created, the neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles until they are released into the synapse. Once released, the neurotransmitters will attempt to attach to the membrane of neurons. If the neurotransmitter does not make it to the neuron, then it will either absorb in the originating cell or be metabolized within the synapse. 2b. Differentiate between drug disposition tolerance, behavioral tolerance, and pharmacodynamics tolerance, and provide reasons why these concepts should be taken into account when determining the effects of a drug. Drug disposition tolerance is defined as the increase of the drug’s rate of metabolism or removal. The user may increase the amount of a drug taken due to the drug being metabolized too quickly or being removed from the body. A person may compensate their behavior when exposed to a drug overtime such as learning to drive while intoxicated. The impairment is reduced and this is known as behavioral tolerance. Pharmacodynamics tolerance is the main contributor to the need to increase the dosage of a drug in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. The user does not feel the same effects of a dosage so the dosage must be increased in order to get the same feeling. 2d. Provide several specific personal and societal steps you would recommend in an effort to reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions to drugs taken in combination. The largest deficit that can be produced to avoid adverse reactions to drug taken in combination is to avoid doing it all such as alcohol and other depressants. Individuals that need to take multiple medications such as person with diabetes and high blood pressure need to be carefully monitored and educated on the effects of the medications individually and the effects of the medications when combined. 3b. Explain the basic rationale and theoretical foundations for the extensive use of amphetamine in the treatment of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). ADHD individuals have deficits involved with the functions of executive control within the brain. This control center affects concentration, hyperactivity, and learning. Amphetamines have been shown to produce a calming effect upon the individual from the amphetamines ability to increase brain catecholamine activity whereas ADHD individuals suffer from catecholamine deficits in the prefrontal cortex. 3c. Provide your personal viewpoint on major concerns about ADHD diagnoses and the efficacy of drug treatments that have led to recent controversy. The basis of diagnoses of ADHD has not been fully researched due to any widely accepted knowledge as to why stimulants are effective in treating hyperactivity. The causes of ADHD are still not thoroughly understood. There have also been non-stimulant drugs that have been shown to be just as effective as stimulants such as Strattera and Atomoxetine. I believe that ADHD itself is a complicated issue that requires multiple points of attack such as the use of stimulant and non-stimulant drugs. What may work on one individual may not work on another. 4a. Provide evidence of your understanding of the ways in which time course events of barbiturate and benzodiazepine actions contribute to the onset of psychological and/or physical dependence. Barbiturate are fast acting drugs that may work within fifteen minutes and stay in the system for up to three hours. Due to the rapid activity of the barbiturates, they serve as a strong reinforcement to users due to the drug produced a desired effect quickly and leaving the body just as quickly. Benzodiazepine takes longer to initialize, but also stay in the body for up to ten hours. Barbiturates are taken in higher doses more rapidly, while Benzodiazepine is taken at lower does. Withdrawal symptoms of barbiturates from chronic symptoms are severe due to the rapidness the drug leaves the user’s body without the user’s body being able to adapt to the drug adequately. 4b. Describe the key functions of GABA (g-aminobutryic acid) in producing the effects of various sedative-hypnotic agents, with specific reference to benzodiazepines. GABA is a neurotransmitter that is found in CNS areas and deals with inhibitory functions. Benzodiazepine molecules are strongly attracted to the GABA receptor sites and when bound to the GABA receptor, the Benzodiazepine molecules will increase the inhibitory effects of GABA on the receptors.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Explain what is implied by the assumption that decision-makers are Essa

Explain what is implied by the assumption that decision-makers are rational? How is the assumption of rationality used in the economic analysis of individual behaviour? In many academic disciplines much is spoken about rationality and rational choices. Economists generally refer to 'rational' choices and that individuals in economic theory are rational. By rational we mean people choose options which they perceive to be the best, given the circumstances they are in. In terms of making rational choices some of the conceivable options for example of going to work would be:  · Actually going to work.  · Staying at home  · Going out shopping  · Buying a house  · Fly to the moon etc. But with these choices we face constraints and it is these constraints that define our 'feasible' options so flying to the moon would not be a feasible option. Therefore the options we can choose from is called the 'feasible set' and it is our preferences i.e. our likes and dislikes and their relative intensity, which determines which feasible option we choose. When we make a choice it generates 'utility' which is a measure of the emotional experience associated with the outcome of a choice so basically the satisfaction from the consumption of a good. We talk about 'total utility' meaning the total satisfaction a person gains from all units of a commodity consumed within a time period. We also use the term 'marginal utility' which is additional satisfaction gained from consuming one extra unit within a time period. There is a general model of rational choice where economists assume that agents such as decision makers will firstly identify a feasible set of options and then assess the expected utility of each option ... ...tility and therefore the amount of meals must decrease to keep the utility constant. Due to the fact that the consumer will prefer more to less the curve must slope downwards. The slope of each curve does get steadily flatter as we move to the right due to the assumption of a diminishing marginal rate of substitution. For example in this case at point A the consumer will sacrifice a lot of films for few meals because he/she has so many films. Whereas point B he/she has less films relative to meals so willing to sacrifice a smaller amount of films for additional meals. However this kind of economic analysis is based on rational behaviour of consumers. It does not take into account people with maybe addictions such as smokers or people under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In economics we assume rational thinking and behaviour will always take place.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jones Law of 1916 Essay

Whereas it was never the intention of the people of United States in the incipiency of the war withSpainto make it a war of conquest or for territorial aggrandizement; and Whereas it is, as it has always been, the purpose of the people of the United States to withdraw their sovereignty over Philippine Islands and to recognize their independence as soon as a stable government can be established therein; and Whereas for the speedy accomplishment of such purpose it is desirable to place in the hands of the people of the Philippines as large a control of their domestic affairs as can be given them without, in the meantime, impairing the exercise of the rights of sovereignty by the people of the United States, in order that, by the use and exercise of popular franchise and governmental powers, they may be the better prepared to fully assume the responsibilities and enjoy all the privileges of complete independence: Therefore Section 1.―The Philippines Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of this Act and the name â€Å"The Philippines† as used in this Act shall apply to and include the Philippine Islands ceded to the United States Government by the treaty of peace concluded between the United States and Spain on the eleventh dany of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, the boundaries of which are set forth in Article III of said treaty, together with those islands embraced in the treaty between Spain and the United States concluded at Washington o the seventh day of November, nineteen hundred. Section 2.―Philippine Citizenship and Naturalization That all inhabitants of the Philippine Islands who were Spanish subjects on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and then resided in said Islands, and their children born subsequent thereto, shall be deemed and held to be citizens of the Philippine Islands, except such as shall have elected to preserve their allegiance to the Crown of Spain in accordance with the provisions of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, signed at Paris December tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and except such others as have since become citizens of some other country:Provided, That the Philippine Legislature, herein provided for, is hereby authorized to provide by law for the acquisition of Philippine citizenship by those natives of the Philippine Islands who do not come within the foregoing provisions, the natives of the insular possessions of the United States, and such other persons residing in the Philippine Islands who are citizens of the United Stat es, or who could become citizens of the United States under the laws of the United States if residing therein. Section 3.―Bill of Right (a) Due process and eminent domain.―That no law shall be enacted in said Islands which shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or deny to any person therein the equal protection of the laws. Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. (b) Rights of persons accused of crime.―That in all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him, to have a speedy and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory process to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf. That no person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law; and no person for the same offense shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. That all persons shall before conviction be bailable by suffici ent sureties, except for capital offenses. (c) Obligation of contracts.―That no law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be enacted. (d) Imprisonment for debt.―That no person shall be imprisoned for debt. (e) Suspension of habeas corpus.―That the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion, insurrection, or invasion the public safety may require it, in either of which event the same may be suspended by the President, or by the Governor-General, wherever during such period the necessity for such suspension shall exist. (f) Ex post facto laws, primogeniture, titles of nobility.―That no ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted nor shall the law of primogeniture ever be in force in the Philippines. That no law granting a title of nobility shall be enacted, and no person holding any office of profit or trust in said Islands shall, without the consent of the Congress of the United States, accept any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever from any king, queen, prince, or foreign state (g) Bail and punishment.―That excessive bail shall not required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor crue l and unusual punishment inflicted. (h) Unreasonable searches.―That the right to be secured against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. (i) Slavery.―That slavery shall not exist in saidIslands; nor shall involuntary servitude exist therein except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. (j) Freedom of speech.―That no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for redress grievances. (k) Freedom of religion.―That no law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and that the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed; and no religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights. No public money or property shall ever be appropriated, applied, or used, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, sectarian institution, or system of religion, or for the use, benefit, or support of any priest, preacher, minister, or other religious teacher or dignitary as such. (l) Poligamy.―Contracting of polygamous or plural marriages hereafter is prohibited. That no law shall be construed to permit polygamous or plural marriages. (m) How public funds to be spent.―That no money shall be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation by law. (n) Uniform tax.―That the rule of taxation in saidIslands shall be uniform. (o) Subject and title of bills.―That no bill which may be enacted into law shall embrace more than one subject, and that subject shall be expressed in the title of the bill. (p) Warrants of arrest.―That no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized (q) Special funds.―That all money collected on any tax levied or assessed for a special purpose shall be treated as a special fund in the treasury and paid out for such purpose only. Section 8.―General Legislative Power That general legislative power, except as otherwise herein provided, is hereby granted to the Philippine legislature, authorized by this Act. Section 13.―Election and Qualification of Senators That the members of the Senate of the Philippines, except as herein provided, shall be elected for terms of six and three years, as hereinafter provided, by the qualified electors of the Philippines. Each of the senatorial districts defined as hereinafter provided shall have the right to elect two senators. No person shall be an elective member of the Senate of the Philippines who is not a qualified elector and over thirty years of age, and who is not able to read and write either the Spanish or English language, and who has not been a resident of the Philippines for at least two consecutive years and an actual resident of the senatorial district from which chosen for a period of at least one year immediately prior to his election. Section 14.-Election and Qualification of Representative That the members of the House of Representatives shall, except as herein provided, be elected triennially by the qualified electors of the Philippines. Each of the representative districts hereinafter provided for shall have the right to elect one representative. No person shall be an elective member of the House of Representatives who is not a qualified elector and over twenty-five years of age, and who is not able to read and write either the Spanish or English language, and who has not been an actual resident of the district from which elected for at least one year immediately prior to his election: Provided,That the members of the present Assembly elected on the first Tuesday in June, nineteen hundred and sixteen, shall be the members of the House of Representatives from their respective districts for the term esxpiring in nineteen hundred and nineteen. Section 15.-Qualification of Voters That at the first election held pursuant to this Act, the qualified electors shall be those having the qualifications of voters under the present law; thereafter and until otherwise provided by the Philippine Legislature herein provided for the qualifications of voters for senators and representatives in the Philippines and all officers elected by the people shall be as follows: Every male person who is not a citizen or subject of a foreign power twenty-one years of age or over (except insane and feeble-minded persons and those convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction of an infamous offense since the thirteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight) who shall have been a resident of the Philippines for one year and of the municipality in which he shall offer to vote for six months next preceding the day of voting, and who is comprised within one of the following classes: (a) Those who under existing law are legal voters and have exercised the right of suffrage. (b) T hose who own real property to the value of 500 pesos, or who annually pay 30 pesos or more of the established taxes. (c) Those who are able to read and write either Spanish, English, or a native language. Sedition Law of 1901 [No. 202.] AN ACT defining the crimes of treason, insurrection, sedition, conspiracies to commit such crimes, seditious utterances whether written or spoken, the formation of secret political societies, the administering or taking of oaths to commit crimes or to prevent the discovering of the same, and the violation of oaths of allegiance, and prescribing punishment therefor By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that: Section l. Every person, resident in the Philippine Islands, owing allej^ance to the United States or the Government of the Philippine* Islands, who levies war against them, or adheres to their enemies, jriving them aid and comfort within the Philippine Islands or else- where, is guilty of treason, and, upon conviction, shall suffer death or, at the discretion of the court-, shall l)e imprisoned at hard labor for not less than five years and fined not less than ten thousand dollars. Sec. 2. Every person, owing allegiance to the United States or the (Tovemment of the Philippine Islands, and having knowledge of any treason against them or either of them, who conceals, and does not, as soon as may be, disclost? and make known the same to the Provin- cial (Governor in the Province in which he resides, or to the Civil Governor of the Islands, or to some Judge of a Court of Hec »ord, is guilty of mLsprision of treason, and shall be imprisoned not more than seven years and be fined not more than one thousand dollars. Sec. 3. Everj’ pei*son who incites, sets on foot, assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the Ignited States or of the Government of the Philippine Islands, or the laws thereof, or who gives aid or comfort to any one so engaging in such rebellion or insurrection, shall, upon (*onviction, lie imprisoned for not more than ten years and Ik* fined not more than ten thousiiud dollars. Sec. 4. If two or more persons conspire to overthrow, i)ut down or destroy by force, the Government of the ITnited States in the Philippine Islands or the Government of the Philippine Islands, or by force to prevent, hinder or delay, the execution of any law of the UnilcKl States or of the Philippine Islands, or by force to seize, take, or possess, any property of the United States or of the Government of the Philippine Islands, contrary to the authority thereof, (*aeri(Kl not more than six years. Sec. 5. All persons who rise publicly and tumultuously in onler to attain by force or outside of legal methwls any of the following object*, are guilty of sedition: 1. To prevent the promulgation or erson who shall utter seditious words or speeches, write, publish, or circulate, scurrilous libels against the Government of the United States or the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands or which tend to disturb or obstruct any lawful officer in exe- cuting his office, or which tend to instigate others to cabal or meet togetlier for unlawful purposes, or which suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or riots or wiiich tend to stir up the i>eople against the lawful authorities or to disturb the i)eace of the community, the safety and order of the Government, or who shall knowingly conceal such evil pra(*tic( »s, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both in the discretion of tlio Court. Sec. 9. All persons who shall meet together for the purpose of forming, or who shall form any secret society or who shall after the l)assago of this Act cont inue memlHjrship in a society already formed having for its object in whole or in part, the promotion of treason, r(‘l)(41ion or sc^dition, or the promulgation of any political opinion or policy, shall 1k » punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. Sec. 10. lentil it has been officially proclaimed that a state of war or insurr( »ction against the authority or sovereignty of the United States no longer exists in the Philippine Islands, it shall be unlawful for any person to advocate orally or by writing or printing or like m( »tli(Kls, th(^ independence of the Philippine Islands or their separa- tion from the I’nited States whether by peaceable or forcible means, or to print, publish or circulate any handbill, newspaper, or other publication, advocating such indei>endence or separation. Any person violating th

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Death in Hamlet

The story Hamlet is centralized around one common theme that stands as the constant dynamic struggle. Death threads its way through the entirety of† Hamlet, from the opening scene's confrontation with a dead man's ghost to the bloodbath of the final scene, which leaves almost every main character dead. Despite so many deaths, however, Shakespeare's treatment of the issue of death is especially obvious through his portrayal of Hamlet who is presented as a person preoccupied with the idea of death and the Ghost of King Hamlet. Hamlet constantly contemplates death from many angles.He is both seduced and repelled by the idea of suicide, but, in the famous gravedigger scene, he is also fascinated by the physical reality of death. In a way,† Hamlet† can be viewed as extended dialogue between Hamlet and death. As Hamlet progresses as a character in the story, he advances through many understandings of mortality and death and how it applies to himself and the characters around him. In the beginning he is much more believing in the concept that life is just a cruel stepping stone to death and beyond, but as he grows as a character and becomes more experienced, he understands the huge negative impact death plays on man.It is through these characters that the dramatist reveals his ambiguous representation of the principal theme. From the very beginning Hamlet reflects a youthful idolization of death, living life as a journey toward death. Although he is afraid of the Ghost, he tries to get in touch with him. Initially Hamlet is anxious about death, because he does not know what awaits him after death. Hamlet reflects his anxiety in one famous soliloquy, where he demonstrates the controversy of the issue of death.As he claims, iBut that the dread of something after death, / The undiscovered country from whose bourne / No traveler returns, puzzles the will / And makes us rather bear those ills we have / Than to fly to others we know not ofi (3. 1. 86-90). How ever, as Hamlet collides with cruelty, murders, injustice and deaths, he seems to form a certain unconcern towards death. In his search of revenge, Hamlet thinks much about death and afterlife. But these attempts to revenge for his father are only a prerequisite to Hamlet's thoughts of committing suicide.This obsession with death gradually drives him mad; William Shakespeare demonstrates this obsession with implicit mockery. For instance, when Hamlet kills Ophelia's father, he is not able to remember, where he hides his body; instead he starts to madly speak about the worms that eat a dead body. Shakespeare demonstrates that even Hamlet's appearance shows his obsession with death; he wears black clothes and looks depressed. In the graveyard scene Shakespeare intensifies Hamlet's preoccupation with death, revealing Hamlet's gloomy thoughts.As he claims, No, faith, not a jot; but to follow him thither with modesty enough and likelihood to lead it; as thus: Alexander died, Alexander wa s buried, Alexander returned into dust; the dust is earth (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 1. 201-206). In fact, the image of the grave is shown several times throughout the play to reveal the character's attitude towards death. With the exception of Hamlet, all characters demonstrate fear and pity at the sight of the grave that they associate with death. As Hamlet constantly thinks of death, he does not value his own life, as well as other people's lives.As a result, Hamlet appears to be also responsible for the death of Ophelia, Claudius, Polonius, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. Thus, Hamlet's obsession transforms him from a miserable youth into a cruel murderer. However, contrary to other characters' deaths that are portrayed with a certain degree of irony, Hamlet's death is depicted in more serious terms. From the very beginning of Shakespeare's play each death seems to be blackened and is soon forgotten by other characters. For instance, Hamlet demonstrates that his father's death is alrea dy neglected by people, although King Hamlet died only a couple of months ago.When Horatio claims, My lord, I came to see your father's funeral, Hamlet responds: I prithee, do not mock me, fellow student. I think it was to see my mother's wedding (Shakespeare, 1985 1. 2. 183-185). Such an ironic viewpoint reveals that even the most generous people are forgotten. The death of Polonius is also ignored by the principal characters; Ophelia and Laertes are too preoccupied with their emotions and feelings to remember their father, and Hamlet who accidentally kills Polonius expresses only some sympathetic words: Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell (Shakespeare, 1985 3. . 38). Ophelia's death is described in even more ironical portrayal, as the dramatist presupposes that her death is a result of suicide and asks: Is she to be buried in Christian burial, when she wilfully seeks her own salvation? (Shakespeare, 1985 3. 4. 38). Similar to Ophelia's death, the deaths of Gertrude, Clau dius, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz are able to arouse only sympathy in readers. In this regard, Hamlet's death stands out against a background of other deaths; it evokes respect and powerful emotions towards the character.Although Hamlet expresses irony to death throughout the play, his death is a tragedy for those who knew him. As Horatio claims, Now cracks a noble heart. / Goodnight sweet prince. And a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 2. 397-398). Hamlet's death is the tragedy for the whole country, because it has lost its noble king and can hardly find another great person. Fortinbras considers that For he was likely, had he been put upon, to have proved most royal Speak loudly for him (Shakespeare, 1985 5. . 443-446). Hamlet's noble death corresponds with the ideas of death maintained by such a Renaissance philosopher as Michel de Montaigne (1910) who claims that death uncovers the true essence of a person. According to him, a person can be really jud ged at his/her last moments. The similar attitude towards death is revealed by Sir Walter Raleigh who claimed that only death could provide people with real understanding of life. During his imprisonment Raleigh demonstrated real courage and was not afraid of death.As he wrote in the latter to his wife, I perceive that my death was determined from the first day (Raleigh, 1940, p. 82). In this regard, Hamlet's real self is obvious only after his death. At the end of the play Hamlet accepts his death with courage and inevitability. However, Shakespeare demonstrates that, despite Hamlet's indifference to life, he needs much time and courage to prepare himself for killing and death. As Hamlet observes numerous deaths, he becomes immune to his own fortune. He starts to perceive death with irony, realising that life has no value for him.To a certain extent, it is Hamlet's insanity that helps him to adjust to the idea of death and succeed in his revenge. As Hamlet collides with cruel reali ty, he seems to be mentally destroyed by it: Who does it, then? His madness. If't be so, / Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong'd; His madness is poor Hamlet's enemy (Shakespeare, 1985 2. 233-235). Simultaneously, the principal character manages to create an ironical attitude towards death that is intensified by the utilisation of Biblical and classical allusions.For instance, Hamlet's revenge resembles the classical story of Priam and Pyrrhus; when Priam kills the father of Pyrrhus, the latter decides to kill Priam in revenge. In Hamlet's case the irony is explained by the repetition of the situation, but Hamlet finds it difficult to succeed in his revenge; he avoids some fortunate situations and kills Claudius only at the end of the play. Another allusion is taken from the Bible: when Shakespeare (1985) mentions the primal eldest curse A brother's murder (3. 3. 40-41), he draws a parallel between the story of Cain and Abel with the murder of King Hamlet by Claudius.Although Clau dius seems to ask for forgiveness in the church, he does not really repent of his action. When Hamlet recognises the truth about his father's death, he decides to make a play ‘The Murder of Gonzago', where he implicitly depicts the murder of his father by King Claudius. Ironically, the play has a great impact on Hamlet who has to suppress his desire to kill Claudius and his mother Gertrude. As he states, Let not ever the soul of Nero enter this firm bosom. / Let me be firm, not unnatural. / I will speak daggers to her, but use none (Shakespeare, 1985 3. 2. 426-429).As Agrippina, the character of the play ‘The Murder of Gonzago', is killed by her son Nero, Hamlet is afraid of his desire to also kill his mother. Another element of death that Shakespeare strengthens in his play is the Dance of Death that is crucial for understanding the dramatist's interpretation of the issue. In the Renaissance this dance was performed in the form of a carnival, during which some people di sguised themselves into skeletons and guided other people into ‘afterlife'. As a humorous festivity, the Dance of Death was popular among different groups of people and was depicted in many dramatic works (Freedberg, 1989).The image of the Dance of Death occupies the principal place in Hamlet's graveyard scene. In Hamlet's conversation with the gravedigger, Shakespeare uncovers many important issues of existence. For instance, Hamlet asks Did these bones cost no more the breeding but to play at loggets with them? Mine ache to think on't (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 1. 91). The Dance of Death has a great impact on Hamlet, especially when he sees the skull of his friend Yorick who occupied a position of fool in the court during his life (Triggs, 1990, pp. 73-76).Hamlet realises that death is inevitable for all people, as he puts it, We fat all creatures else to fat us and we fat ourselves for maggots. Your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service – two dishes but to one table (Shakespeare, 1985 4. 2. 21-24). The controversy of the Ghost reflects the controversial attitude of Elizabethan society to the issue of death and afterlife. If the Ghost is thought to come back from Purgatory, then Hamlet may believe that it is the Ghost of his father who suffers much and is in search of revenge (Low, 1999, pp. 63-472). However, the Ghost may also appear to come back from Hell; in this regard, his aim is to turn Hamlet into insanity. William Shakespeare reveals this controversy, but he does not solve it. The issue remains open throughout the play and is aggravated with the disappearance of the Ghost. Greenblatt (2001) even claims that purgatory exists in the imaginary universe of Hamlet and [it provides] many of the deep imaginative experiences, the tangled longing, guilt, pity and rage evoked by More (p. 252).However, the deaths of Hamlet and other principal characters of the play uncover the truth about these people. In particular, throughout the narra tion Hamlet pretends to have a secret, although he does not reveal it, but at the end he seems to expose his heart and all his secrets: Thou wouldst not think how ill all's here about my heart; but it is no matter It is but foolery (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 2. 208-211). Hamlet tries to fool other characters, but instead he fools himself, as he is not able to admit that he is also afraid of death.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Contrasts of North and South essays

Contrasts of North and South essays In this assignment, I found that there were several issues that were recurrent themes within the Union as well as the South. The differences were in the beliefs of the respective sides. In the assigned reading, it is readily apparent how the themes related to the nature of Northern and Southern society or the Civil War. The first theme is secession. The ideas on secession varied in the North and South and, were in fact, usually polar opposites on the respective sides. The secession of the Southern states is central to this chapter of American History. In the North, people were concerned about the secession movement. When Lincoln gave his inaugural address, he addressed the Northern concerns. It follows from these views that no state upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union: that resolves and ordinances to that effect are legally void, and that acts of violence within any State or States against the authority of the United States are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances. Lincoln went on to state, Plainly the central idea of secession is the essence of anarchy. Lincoln said that the South was the minority and the minority could not make the rules that would affect the majority. The rule of a minority, as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible; so that, rejecting the majority principle, anarchy or despotism in some form is all that is left.... Lincoln also warned of the consequences of secession and how it would affect the seceding parties. If a minority in such case will secede rather than acquiesce, they make a precedent which in turn will divide and ruin them, for a minority of their own will secede from them whenever a majority refuses to be controlled by such minority.... George Templeton tells in his account, The Outbreak of War Galvanizes New York City, about the common peoples reactions t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Explaining Glasnost and Perestroika

Explaining Glasnost and Perestroika When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in March 1985, the country had already been steeped in oppression, secrecy, and suspicion for over six decades. Gorbachev wanted to change that. Within his first few years as general secretary of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev instituted the policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring), which opened the door to criticism and change. These were revolutionary ideas in the stagnant Soviet Union and would ultimately destroy it. What Was Glasnost? Glasnost, which translates to openness in English, was General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachevs policy for a new, open policy in the Soviet Union where people could freely express their opinions. With glasnost, Soviet citizens no longer had to worry about neighbors, friends, and acquaintances turning them into the KGB for whispering something that could be construed as criticism of the government or its leaders. They no longer had to worry about arrest and exile for a negative thought against the State. Glasnost allowed the Soviet people to reexamine their history, voice their opinions on governmental policies, and receive news not pre-approved by the government. What Was Perestroika? Perestroika, which in English translates to restructuring, was Gorbachevs  program to restructure the Soviet economy in an attempt to revitalize it. To restructure, Gorbachev decentralized the controls over the economy, effectively lessening the governments role in the decision-making processes of individual enterprises. Perestroika also hoped to improve production levels by bettering the lives of workers, including giving them more recreation time and safer working conditions. The overall perception of work in the Soviet Union was to be changed from corruption to honesty, from slacking to hard work. Individual workers, it was hoped, would take a personal interest in their work and would be rewarded for helping to better production levels. Did These Policies Work? Gorbachevs policies of glasnost and perestroika changed the fabric of the Soviet Union. It allowed citizens to clamor for better living conditions, more freedoms, and an end to Communism.   While Gorbachev had hoped his policies would revitalize the Soviet Union, they instead destroyed it. By 1989, the Berlin Wall fell and by 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated. What had once been a single country, became 15 separate republics.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ticks, Suborder Ixodida

Ticks, Suborder Ixodida The parasitic arachnids we call ticks all belong to the suborder Ixodida. The name Ixodida derives from the Greek word ixÃ… dÄ“s, meaning sticky. All feed on blood, and many are vectors of diseases. Description: Most adult ticks are quite small, the largest reaching about 3mm in length at maturity. But when engorged with blood, an adult tick can easily expand to 10 times its normal size. As adults and nymphs, ticks have four pairs of legs, like all arachnids. Tick larvae have only three pairs of legs. The tick life cycle has four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. The female lays her eggs where the emerging larva is likely to encounter a host for its first blood meal. Once fed, it molts into the nymph stage. The nymph also requires a blood meal, and may go through several instars before reaching adulthood. The adult must feed on blood a final time before producing eggs. Most ticks have a three-host life cycle, with each stage (larva, nymph, and adult) finding and feeding on a different host animal. Some ticks, however, remain on a single host animal for their entire life cycle, feeding repeatedly, and others require two hosts. Classification: Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – ArthropodaClass – ArachnidaOrder – AcariGroup - ParasitiformesSuborder - Ixodida Habitat and Distribution: Worldwide, there are nearly 900 species of ticks known and described. The vast majority (about 700) of these are hard ticks in the family Ixodidae. Approximately 90 species occur in the continental U.S. and Canada. Major Families in the Order: Ixodidae – hard ticks Argasidae – soft ticks Genera and Species of Interest: Both the blacklegged or deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) and the western blacklegged tick (Ixodes pacificus) can transmit the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.Proteins in the saliva of the Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni, can cause paralysis in its hosts, which include cattle, horses, dogs, sheep, and humans. Boophilus ticks are parasites of large hoofed mammals, and complete their life cycle on a single host. Amblyomma nuttali holds the record for the largest clutch of eggs produced by a single tick – over 22,000! Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. Johnson.Synopsis Of The Described Arachnida Of The World, Texas AM University Entomology Dept. Accessed online December 31, 2013.The Encyclopedia of Entomology, 2nd edition, edited by John L. Capinera.The Distribution of Ticks, Centers for Disease Control. Accessed online December 31, 2013.Order Ixodida – Ticks, Accessed online December 31, 2013.Tick Biology, the Tick App, Texas AM University Entomology Dept. Accessed online December 31, 2013.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Impact of trade on Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Impact of trade on Inequality - Essay Example Mostly, this takes place because the usage and the application of various useful technologies in trade is only available to the highly skilled and trained people but not to the unskilled and the poor. During several previous centuries, inequality in world trade has been on the rise. Income within most countries has been rising and declining drastically. Specifically, it has been increasing in the developing countries and falling in the highly industrialized and developed nations. However, this trend is becoming reversed in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This implies that there is no global inequality trend for the previous two centuries. Therefore, almost all the rise in world income inequality has taken place due to the increasing gaps between countries rather than increase of gaps within countries. Meanwhile, integration in world economy has advanced. If this relationship meant causation, it would be that the increase in inequality among nations has been caused by globalization but inequality within nations has not been elevated. The effects of globalization and its result have gone both ways with respect to disparity within nations. This is accordin g to simple correlation between the perceived trends. The following conclusions can be deducted from the economic record of inequality: a) The disparity between incomes among countries has reduced. This has been the result of the globalization factor as well as commodity markets for the nations that have been integrated into the global economy. b) Inequality has also been lowered by opening up to the international business as well as the international factor movements within labor-filled countries. This has taken place within the past few decades. e) Global incomes would continue to be persistent especially under a complete global integration. This is similar to inequality in large integrated economies from a domestic perspective. This situation is lower in a completely integrated

Friday, October 18, 2019

Fashion trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fashion trends - Essay Example The research "Fashion trends" identifies and analyzes the basic scopes of their targeted customers. The research design drew from the theme of the products the students intended to sell. Before the commencement of the research, the students analyzed the theme context of the prospective products. The analysis encompassed several dimensions. Firstly, there was an identification of the types of products to sellable to the target customers. The second dimension encompassed the designation criterion of the product to suit the customer’s taste. The third dimension encompasses identification of the price standards for the designs. Finally, there is the dimension of presumed product’s lifecycle within the supply chain. Therefore, in setting the product’s theme, identification, analysis and description of the target customers is critical for the business before initiating the intervention. Having established the study theme for the product, and with sufficient literature reviewed on the fashion trends in the entire country with special emphasis on the city of London, the students the researchable question becomes known. From the foregoing sequences of events in the fashion and apparel industry, the researchable problem statement becomes: How can there be an enhanced reach-up among the youths bracket customers with fashion and design trends in London? The research employed a wide range of methods in data collection. The methods differed according to convenience, region and information required.

Management and Organisational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Management and Organisational Culture - Essay Example the mode of regulation and , 4. the mode of socialization. In the United States and Britain, flexibility typically embodies one of the two primary definitions, as the principal emphasis is on the internal structure of labour. The French regulationist school tends to put emphasis on the role of the state and its legal manipulation of economy, accessibility, labour flows, and labour structures (McDowell 1992; 402-3). Question 1 addresses flexibility as it pertains to a business article about outsourcing to India; Question 2 analyses the same concept with regards to a specific business. 'Flexibility' as described in Gentlemen's article about cyber-coolies (itself a name that is representative of the new boundaries of international business) is a politically-correct term that can and is applied to both legitimate and culturally-exploitative business practices in India and beyond. The mere fact that industries such as Citibank, as well as hundreds of telemarketing and call centre businesses, can base their customer service centres in places like India, the fact that this is both culturally feasible due to intensive training programs, and fiscally lucrative, due to international economics and exchange rates, is extremely indicative of this 'flexibility'. However, this same term can be used to cover a raft of ills; damaging practices and habits can and have been instituted in a number of countries around the world in the name of this same 'flexibility'. Pietrykowski expands on this definition, writing that the notion of flexibility refers to technology, markets, skills as they pertain to jobs, and the degree to which markets replace the firm in the allocation of resources to production (quoting Schoenberger 1987, 1988; Gertler 1988, 1989, 1992; Harvey 1989; Hirst and Zeitlin 1991). Pietrykowski notes that, when considered as a group, these factors essentially compose a system of capitalist production that stands in clear contrast to its predecessor, Fordism. While there certainly exist differences between flexible accumulation and mass production strategies of accumulation, "this distinction tends to ignore their similarities and, in so doing, fails to provide a detailed account of the historical transition from Fordist to flexi- centralized mass production (Pietrykowski 1995; 383)." Gentlemen's article reveals certain trends that have taken strong hold worldwide. The first, and most pertinent, is the concept of outsourcing: in lay-speech, the practice of sending unskilled, semi-skilled, and even skilled jobs overseas in order to pay workers less for their performances. This trend has been both lauded and criticized, and justifiably so. Marketers and businesses claim that outsourcing provides stable income in countries where such opportunities are largely unavailable, perhaps ignoring the cost to the workers at home. In some cases, Indian workers who are employed at offshore companies experience much better working conditions and benefits than do their nationally-employed counterparts. Outsourcing, however, carries a host of problems. It has the potential to destabilize industries in the business' home country by taking so many jobs away, in the name of financial gain for a few.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Archaeology - Essay Example In order to witness the past culture of a particular society, especially its material culture, archaeological evidences are considered as one of the most significant elements. Archaeological evidence includes artifacts, architecture, biofacts, and cultural landscapes that are the archaeological records of the society. However, the definition of the term ‘culture’ is not free of ambiguity. It has a unique nature of contradictory features. On one hand, culture is a dynamic phenomenon in the sense that it keeps moving and changing through decades and centuries. On the other hand, culture stands tall as a strong static element for societies witnessing various changes through ages. That is to say, the culture of a particular society constructs its own unique identity through ages by being its common image of consistence. This ambiguous nature of culture plays an important role in depicting the cultural lifespan of a society. In the context of archaeological culture, the dynam ic as well as static (or unique) nature of culture can be greatly influenced by cultural interaction of different societies. This paper briefly addresses the role of archaeological evidence with regard to describing the cultural life of past human societies. ... That is to say, a holistic approach concept of culture is essentially required to understand and explain cultural relations in a society. Further, the concept of culture is also associated closely with that of identity, both of an individual as well as the collective identity of a society. A commonly defined relationship of culture, ethnicity and individual relates to the broader understanding and conceptualization of ‘identity’. In the context of archaeological culture study, it involves empirical speculation of all such identities. One of the significant aspects to address while speculating identities is the issue of cultural contact or acculturation or cultural fusion. A historically evident and remarkable element of this culture contact is colonialism the presence of which is inevitable in the study of archaeological culture. Colonialism is considered as one of the most significant causes as well as consequences of cultural contact between cities, states and empires. Archaeology has a special role to play in the study and colonialism, and vice versa. While talking about the varieties of colonialism and their similarities (Gosden, 2004, p. 22), he argues that modern colonialism strikingly differs from the ancient times in the context that the previous includes particular features like â€Å"the creation of fixed orders of racial and cultural difference which were not found in the same manner amongst the Romans or the Greeks for instance.† Further, the result of colonialism has been remarkable: it â€Å"created new worlds through the meeting, clash and sometimes merger of varying values.† (Gosden, 2004, p. 23) Nonetheless, ‘culture contact’ is a broader term that includes a variety of elements other than just colonialism. It

The Violence currently facing Colombia's dispossessed Essay

The Violence currently facing Colombia's dispossessed - Essay Example Thousands of people have lost their lives and millions are being put out of place. Large number of ingenious people, Afro-Columbians and farmers were forced to leave their relatives and native lands because of violence. Growing conflicts and calamities among the armed forces and guerrilla groups changed the land into dispossessed status and it indicates that the country could soon experience a revolution such as one impacting Mexico during 1910s. Studies and researches have recognized that the underlying cause of this crisis is related with U.S policies which promote the killing of millions of common people in Columbia. News reports about the dispossessed reveals the story that thousands of Columbians were relocated by years of war and state-backed terrorism. Analyzing the history, one can see that existing policies of the United States paved the way for a revolution. Therefore, one feel comfort to agree the statement that â€Å"The violence currently facing Colombia’s  "dispossessed† is indicative that the country could soon experience a revolution such as the one impacting Mexico during the 1910s†.The root cause of the crisis in Columbia lie its weak state, a divided ruling class, and two party political system which strictly prevented any kind of participation or voice from the common people. Periodic party competition between the Liberals and Conservatives led the country to armed conflicts. Things became worst, when the Liberal government passed measures for protecting social security and workers’ right of the same kind to Roosevelt’s New Deal. The emerging of Second World War collapsed reforms activities and President Alfonzo Lopez Pumarejo forced to face strong opposition from inside and the outside of his party. The assassination of Jorge Eliecr Gaitan, the leader of rebels paved the way for unending violence and conflicts. In 1986 election, fighting armed forces and guerillas faced general election as the result o f Government’s invitation. But after the election government and the armed Right go back on their promises. The election procedures false down and more than 3000 people were murdered. All armed forces came back to their own previous status, especially the guerillas returned to the hills and took arms. Existing armed conflicts and outrage violence in Columbia, indicates the emergence of a revolution. The book entitled, The dispossessed: chronicles of the Desterrados of Colombia by Alfredo Molano describes the conflicts took place in Columbia .Author clearly mentions about the U.S policies and its political supports towards the Columbian government indirectly acts as a catalyst in the process of spreading violence. From the very beginning, Alfredo Molano reveals the cause and effects of current war between military force and the guerillas. Author explores the real cause of conflict by saying; â€Å"Neoliberal policies forcing competition between small Columbian farmers and int ernational agribusiness drove more than five million farmers off their lands in the 1990s† (Molano, 2005, p.21). The arriving of the drug cartels and the paramilitaries in to the warfront changed the nation in to a land of political anarchism. Conflicts between the international agribusiness groups and small Columbian farmers promoted economic stagnation and food problem all over the country. As a result of political, ideological, and military polarizations guerilla

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Archaeology - Essay Example In order to witness the past culture of a particular society, especially its material culture, archaeological evidences are considered as one of the most significant elements. Archaeological evidence includes artifacts, architecture, biofacts, and cultural landscapes that are the archaeological records of the society. However, the definition of the term ‘culture’ is not free of ambiguity. It has a unique nature of contradictory features. On one hand, culture is a dynamic phenomenon in the sense that it keeps moving and changing through decades and centuries. On the other hand, culture stands tall as a strong static element for societies witnessing various changes through ages. That is to say, the culture of a particular society constructs its own unique identity through ages by being its common image of consistence. This ambiguous nature of culture plays an important role in depicting the cultural lifespan of a society. In the context of archaeological culture, the dynam ic as well as static (or unique) nature of culture can be greatly influenced by cultural interaction of different societies. This paper briefly addresses the role of archaeological evidence with regard to describing the cultural life of past human societies. ... That is to say, a holistic approach concept of culture is essentially required to understand and explain cultural relations in a society. Further, the concept of culture is also associated closely with that of identity, both of an individual as well as the collective identity of a society. A commonly defined relationship of culture, ethnicity and individual relates to the broader understanding and conceptualization of ‘identity’. In the context of archaeological culture study, it involves empirical speculation of all such identities. One of the significant aspects to address while speculating identities is the issue of cultural contact or acculturation or cultural fusion. A historically evident and remarkable element of this culture contact is colonialism the presence of which is inevitable in the study of archaeological culture. Colonialism is considered as one of the most significant causes as well as consequences of cultural contact between cities, states and empires. Archaeology has a special role to play in the study and colonialism, and vice versa. While talking about the varieties of colonialism and their similarities (Gosden, 2004, p. 22), he argues that modern colonialism strikingly differs from the ancient times in the context that the previous includes particular features like â€Å"the creation of fixed orders of racial and cultural difference which were not found in the same manner amongst the Romans or the Greeks for instance.† Further, the result of colonialism has been remarkable: it â€Å"created new worlds through the meeting, clash and sometimes merger of varying values.† (Gosden, 2004, p. 23) Nonetheless, ‘culture contact’ is a broader term that includes a variety of elements other than just colonialism. It

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

EDLE 639 - Assignment 3 Modules 3 to 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EDLE 639 - Assignment 3 Modules 3 to 6 - Essay Example Their skills is what the organisation needs to prosper; therefore, if a worker is allowed to work towards his/her vision with the firm, then the firm will also stand to gain. Some of the issues, which educational leaders face to ensure the survival of their organisation, include the assessment gap, the teaching gap and the leadership gap (Kent, 2005). Reasonable individuals differ on the details of 21st century knowledge, but the ordinary themes, which emerge comprise of communication, creativity, teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking. Even though, it is hard to hear an educational leader support lower principles for communication or disapproving teamwork, there is a big gap between reality and rhetoric (Robinson, Ward & Timperley, 2003). Also, it is vital for any educator to master the way of leading their students as education is meant for forming leaders in various fields of life. Module 4 Promoting and supporting school leader and teacher professional learning is vital to a country’s attempts to drive fairness and excellence for every young Australian (Dunn, 1981). In this manner, AITSL, in union with stakeholders from numerous school education systems and sectors, aids energetically to young Australians attaining the goals set in the Melbourne Declaration as effective learners, creative and confident individuals, as well as active and informed citizens (Dunn, 1981). Some of the vital factors, which this charter should address, include the significance of learning in enhancing the professional skills, practice, as well as engagement of all school leaders and teachers to achieve progress in student outcomes. The charter also needs to find a way of articulating the expectations, which all school leaders and teachers vigorously take part in professional learning all through their careers (Hatcher, 2008). The charter needs to describe the traits of a high quality specialised learning culture and successful specialised learning, to help school l eaders, teachers, as well as those who help them to get the most from their learning. The other factors that the charter should consider include occupational competence in teaching, teacher education and occupational competence and the linkage between settings of preparation and practice (Hatcher, 2008). These are the major factors that affect teacher education. Module 5 One the critical success factors for effective governance is developing an all encompassing, as well as conceptually effective framework, centered on the most significant strategic factors that are supported by a strategic vision, in addition to a planning process of maybe five years. Schools should be aware of this in order to practice effective governance (Abbey, 2005). The second factor includes dispersed and diverse leadership, which taps into the experience and expertise of each individual. It also cultivates deep ownership of real strategic change among vital stakeholders. Elevated leadership improves the numb er of individuals concerned with policy making. It also enhances people who are open to fresh ideas, and; hence, are more likely to produce more new ideas. The other factor is learning to lead in wider networks through which firm limits give way to partnerships and teams and there are common resources, as well as strategies to attain common results. To aid teaching in all ages, settings and stages, schools need new management

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bargaining Power of Buyers Essay Example for Free

Bargaining Power of Buyers Essay The correlation between the console, developer and consumer is best explained by the paradigm of supplier power. The differentiation of inputs is the key available to the consumer to influence the video game industry as a whole. The developer also has similar power and the consoles are thus dependent on these two key inputs for generating creativity and therefore increasing the sales of the console per se as well as the $ 10 royalty that is being charged from each publisher for publishing the game on the particular console. Volumes are the key input as far as the suppliers are concerned. These also impact the console as there is a need to ensure that more number of games are compatible with each console which will help drive sales. The main strategy for negotiating with the supplier by the console is that of backward integration which is followed in a diffused manner, in that there is open ended competition generated amongst the developers to obtain the most creative inputs. Substitutes In as much as consoles are concerned there is limited threat of substitutes within the oligopoly established. However there is a constant need for up gradation between the three rivals, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft which is driving the video game console industry. The substitutes also act in the form of providing alternatives to the games on respective consoles creating a different level of threats. The threat of piracy is a grave problem with the total size being at $ 3 billion, the industry will most certainly be affected by piracy which may increase with greater dependence on online gaming and the internet. The bargaining power of consoles has been considerably weakened over the years due to price and product sensitivity; thereby the developers are able to manipulate the rivalry between the three principal players to their own advantage. This is causing only intermediate points of advantage to the console when a new advanced version is introduced, they can bargain with the developers for placing their games on the new console, Another important facet is that of royalty that is being charged from publishers for each console, the buyer has the leverage to increase the same or even have a variable pricing depending on the spread of the product. Thus on initial introduction a higher charge could be made and as more consoles are inducted in the system, the volumes could provide scope for reducing the royalty. The backward integration with the developer and the consumer remains the key strategy of all buyers and towards which they are continuously working. The integration with the buyer through programs such as Nintendo’s forums and magazine feed back ensures that the companies obtain buyer information on a continuous basis. In fact the video games industry is doing so at no cost to itself which acts as a positive growth factor for the same. Buyer volumes are likely to increase each day with a healthy growth of 30 % envisaged for the industry over the next few years. Case Studies Establishing Linkages Console, Developer and Consumer Sony Sony Computer Entertainment Inc is a company which has been established in November 1993. It is based in Tokyo and has a capitalization of 1. 933 billion Yen and a sales and operating revenue of 737. 0 billion Yen for year ending 31 March 2005. This places its net income at 35. 5 billion Yen. It is presently leading in the field of console gaming. Its principal area of business is the research, development, production and sales of both the hardware and software for the video game systems Play Station 2 and Play Station Portable. The number of employees of the company as on 1 April 2006 is said to be 1200. (www. sony. com). It would thus be evident that Sony is managing the large scale of its operation on out sourced processes some of which will be covered separately herein. The company is extensively dependent on the developers for developing games. A call has been made to developers for games for its new console, Playstation 3. (Sharma, 2005). This has been an opportunity provided to the developers to build up game scenarios and develop the schematics for new games for the PS 3. Sony is calling this program as Game Yaroze! 2006. This has been standard practice for the company as per industry watchers as a similar program was launched by the company when it developed Play Station 1. An entire range of games were developed for the console with inputs from developers. The company expects contribution from amateurs as well as professional developers. Gamers are also reported to have contributed significantly to the development of games on Sony’s Play Station (Sharma, 2005). The symbiotic relationship between gamers and developers as well as console producers can be explained by the recent threat by gamers of the Call of Duty 2 game threatening to go on strike as the developers did not respond to certain queries by them and threatened to shut down the gaming servers. With console gaming there is no such problem and it is relatively safe from hacking and other forms of information disruption practiced on the internet.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Benefits and Drawbacks of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Benefits and Drawbacks of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the single most important mechanism for the globalization of the international economy. FDI is the investment of real assets in a foreign country, it is acquiring assets such as land and equipment in another host country, but operating the facility from the home country. FDI is viewed by many as necessary to stimulate the economies of both developed and underdeveloped countries. The global economy experienced a decrease in foreign investment flows. Developing countries have been hit the hardest by the decline in FDI as foreign investment is being redirected to more developed countries. It is expected that FDI will continue to be the most significant tool for globalization. It is widely accepted that FDI inflows provide economic benefits such as increased competition, technological spillovers and innovations, and increased employment. The impact of foreign investment extends far beyond economic growth. FDI can be a catalyst for change to society as a whole, therefore one must think in terms of economic, political, social, technological, cultural, and environmental factors and examine all the effects of FDI in order to interpret the true long-term impact. Foreign investment and globalization continues to increase, developing countries desperately seeking to attract foreign investment can have undesirable outcomes. FDI can have numerous negative effects, such as job loss, human rights abuses, political unrest, financial volatility, environmental degradation, and increased cultural tensions. The results of FDI on the global economy are complex and unpredictable, yet they can vary from country to country. This is due in part to the practices that are in place prior to receiving FDI inflows, such as deep-rooted social customs, political practices, laws and regulations. In more developed countries foreign direct investment resulted in rapid economic growth and social development and in unstable economies, underdeveloped countries, the results can be quite different. Types of Foreign Direct Investment According to Ali Guo (2005) states the main types of FDI in world are Equity Joint Ventures, Contractual Joint Ventures and the establishment of Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises. Contractual joint ventures were initially the most important in the world. Equity joint ventures and wholly foreign owned enterprises became predominant and recent years have seen a proliferation of wholly foreign owned enterprises. Equity joint ventures have been a popular entry mode for two reasons. Ali Guo (2005) stated that most governments believes that equity joint ventures best serve the objective of foreign capital, technology, and management experiences. Secondly, foreign investors hope through engaging in joint ventures to get local partners assistance in the domestic markets. Foreign investors have chosen wholly foreign owned enterprises as the preferred entry mode in recent years so as to avoid problems associated with equity joint ventures. Motives for foreign direct investment Kokko (2006) identifies Foreign Direct Investment literature three as the most common investment motivations: resource-seeking, market-seeking and efficiency-seeking. Kokko (2006) suggests that although most MNCs engage in FDI that combines the characteristics of each of these categories, the gravity of each motive on the formulation of the MNCs strategy may also change, as a firm becomes an established and experienced foreign investor. The availability of natural resources, cheap unskilled or semi-skilled labor, creative assets and physical infrastructure promotes resource-seeking activities. According to Kokko (2006) the most important host country determinant of FDI has been the availability of natural resources, e.g. minerals, raw materials and agricultural products. Labor-seeking investment is usually undertaken by manufacturing and service MNEs from countries with high real labor costs, which set up or acquire subsidiaries in countries with lower real labor costs to supply labo r intensive intermediate or final products. To attract such production, host countries have set up free trade or exportprocessing zones (Kokko 2006). Market-seeking investment is attracted by factors like the host countrys market size, per capita income and market growth. For firms, new markets provide a chance to stay competitive and grow within the industry as well as achieve scale and scope economies. Apart from market size and trade restrictions, MNCs might be prompted to engage in market-seeking investment, when their main suppliers or customers have set up foreign producing facilities and in order to retain their business they need to follow them overseas Market-seeking also includes the search for strategic assets that enable the MNC to sustain and advance its international competitive advantages (Kokko 2006). The motivation of efficiency-seeking FDI is to rationalize the structure of established resource based or market-seeking investment in such a way that the investing com pany can gain from the common governance of geographically dispersed activities. The intention of the efficiency-seeking MNC is to take advantage of different factor endowments, cultures, institutional arrangements, economic systems and policies, and market structures by concentrating production in a limited number of locations to supply multiple markets (Kokko 2006). Ownership, location, and internalization are the three potential sources of advantage that may underlie a firms decision to become a MNC. A key feature of this approach is that it focuses on the incentives facing individual firms. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is determined by three sets of advantages which direct investment should have over the other institutional mechanisms available for a firm in satisfying the needs of its customers at home and abroad. The first of the advantages is the ownership specific one which includes the advantage that the firm has over its rivals in terms of its brand name, patent or knowledge of technology and marketing. This allows firms to compete with the other firms in the markets it serves regardless of the disadvantages of being foreign. The second is the internationalisation advantage, that is why a bundled FDI approach is preferred to unbundled product licensing, capital lending or technical assistance (Wheeler and Mody, 1992). The location-specific advantages relate to the importance for the firm to operate and invest in the host country and are those advantages that make the chosen foreign country a more attractive site for FDI than the others. For instance firms may invest in production facilities in foreign markets because transportation costs are too high to serve these markets through exports. This could either be directly related to the actual nature of the good, either being a high bulk item or a service that needs to be provided on site, or due to policy factors such as tariff rates, import restrictions, or issues of market access that makes physical investment advantageous over serving the market through exports. Location advantage also embodies other characteristic (economic, institutional and political) such as large domestic markets, availability of natural resources, an educated labor force, low labor cost, good institutions (the clarity of countrys law, efficiency of bureaucracy and the absen ce of corruption), political stability, corporate and other tax rates among others. Negative effects of foreign investment on the economies of the Host: Al Saffar (2010) states the criticisms directed against the common practices of foreign firms invested in host countries is that its main focus in the recruitment of its investments in industries quarrying for the purpose of re-use in the country of origin of the capital without making any effort to engage in manufacturing activity and development commensurate with the goals and aspirations of these countries, which do growth and development. This type of investment is characterized by extension of the parent organization that harms the host country and adds nothing. Al Saffar (2010) states some foreign-owned supplier to the supply of technology investment in the form of packages, the staff is unable to host countries for investment, dismantled and identified vocabulary to adapt and acquire scientific and technological expertise required for the manufacture of its terms, commensurate with the circumstances and their scientific and economic and social development. That this is clearly going to affect negatively on the possibility of acquiring technical staff Local technological skills and diverse as these companies by another would not be attributable to their employees from the landlords, the National, but routine job sites that do not require sophisticated technical expertise. It thus does not allow creating a new class of professionals or the business of skilled scientific and technological and organizational and administrative, marketing and shielded from the possibility of opening prospects for new national projects and sophisticated and thus the host country has to invest in a spiral of underdevelopment. Al Saffar (2010) argues that rejecting the foreign investor is often the transfer of advanced technology in his possession the grounds that the host country is unable to digest and absorb these advanced Technology and modern. So he would prefer to import from abroad with the full line of production and assembly and thus ignore the important one the main objectives of the host countries is that companies he training of technical staffing group to have and given an opportunity to digest and absorb these technology and benefit from the adaptation and manufacture of the spectrum and its uses in locations other economic, commensurate with their economic circumstances. According to Al Saffar (2010) often foreign companies to import production inputs from abroad, such as materials preliminary and intermediate products as well as the import of spare parts for maintenance the project when you need after the run from their home countries is usually compared to less dependence on local inputs, leading to serious injury to the interests of the host country to the economic and trade deficits, including impair its ability to take advantage of natural resources and increase savings, which is desperately needed. We must give foreign investors a degree of administrative control by virtue of its contribution to the top money on investment projects, will limit or impair the effectiveness of policies sometimes economic development in the host country and restricts the varying degrees of independence of decision-makers local address balance of payments or to take any action, a suitable economic the impact and effectiveness of positive economic activities. (Al Saf far 2010) The foreign investment of foreign companies, making the host country loses some capacity to make some economic and political decisions on the management of its affairs which increases the economic dependency of these countries to developed countries. Besides, these foreign companies is strong negotiating and bargaining power on the selection and sitting investment and size and type of production through a selective approach in the selection of sites investments, creating a sort of incompatibility between the objectives and interests of these foreign companies Invested with what is planned in the path of economic and social development or the desired prepared for those countries. (Al Saffar 2010). The foreign invested companies operating in the area of services, media nd cultural services are often negatively affect the social systems and cultural and traditional values in the host countries .. As they are able to deploy Culture Western and especially American by selling programs on culture and magazines and music and films and books at low prices exceeding the cost price only slightly so as not to be able to become local companies to compete with these low prices. Accordingly, these companies impose its values and culture and traditions of other societies and lead to a breach of and disorder and social systems, social values and traditions rooted and established who was raised by these communities generations long. (Al Saffar 2010) According to Al Saffar (2010) depriving the host country for foreign investment from income tax imposed on capital funds or foreign companies on profits transferred abroad or at imports from foreign inputs as imposed by the Convention as well as imposed by the WTO members from the requirement of national treatment when the imposition of laws and taxes and fees on investment activity as is the case with the local foreign It shall be a great loss for the developing countries that depends to a large extent in the financing of development on the tax revenue. Al Saffar (2010) states a key part of foreign investment consists of the profits realized locally and from here highlight the problem for local decision makers As for allowing foreign companies to transfer most of their profits to their mother countries, which means allowing them absorb the riches that have been newly generated by the activity within the host country, or a requirement that these companies this re-invest profits locally. This really means to allow it to expand and increase the control of the national economy and thereby expanding its market dominance in local raise the rates of prices of goods and services, leading eventually to increase their profits back Other. According to Al Saffar (2010) Giving a lot of freedom for foreign companies to engage in unchecked activity will enhance their ability to evade compliance with laws and regulations issued by the Government of the country, the host and the virtue of its invoking a variety of pretexts, which requires follow-up its affairs professionally and prevent it from Overcome any form of abuse. Al Saffar (2010) states Some economists believe that foreign investment leads to the creation of dependency and development underdevelopment are to be based primarily on the shameless exploitation of cheap labor and exploitation of natural resources of the host country, thus leading to a loss of economic independence and political and greater dependency. VARIABLES DETERMINING FDI INFLOWS Gross Capital Formation, in a transition economy, improvements in the investment climate help to attract higher FDI inflows. It translates into higher Gross capital formation which in turn leads to greater economic growth. Sridharan Perumal et al (2010) find little evidence of FDI having an impact on capital formation in developed countries and observe that the most important aspect of FDI in the selected sample of countries is related to ownership change. The relationship between FDI and Capital Formation is not simple (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). In the case of certain privatization, it may not lead to increase at all or even result in reduction. Thus, the unclear relation between FDI and capital formation may also hold in a transition economy. However, a positive or negative and significant relationship between FDI and Capital Formation is expected. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Currency valuation The strength of a currency (Exchange rate) is used as proxy for level of inflation and the purchasing power of the investing firm. Devaluation of a currency would result in reduced exchange rate risk. As a currency depreciates, the purchasing power of the investors in foreign currency terms is enhanced, thus we expect a positive and significant relationship between the currency value and FDI inflows. The currency value can be proxied by the Real Exchange Rate, Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER). (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Trade openness, Trade openness is considered to be a key determinant of FDI as represented in the previous literature; much of FDI is export oriented and may also require the import of complementary, intermediate and capital goods. In either case, volume of trade is enhanced and thus trade openness is generally expected to be a positive and significant determinant of FDI. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Infrastructure facilities, The well established and quality infrastructure is an important determinant of FDI flows. On the other hand, a country which has opportunity to attract FDI flows will stimulate a country to equip with good Infrastructure facilities. Therefore, we expect positively significant relationship between FDI and Infrastructure. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Labour cost, Higher labour cost would result in higher cost of production and is expected to limit the FDI inflows; therefore, we expect the negative and significant relationship between labour cost and FDI. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Economic stability and growth prospects, A country which has a stable macroeconomic condition with high and sustained growth rates will receive more FDI inflows than a more volatile economy. The proxies measuring growth rate are: GDP growth rates, Industrial production index, Interest rates and Inflation rates. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Market size, Larger market size should receive more inflows than that of smaller countries having lesser market size. Market size is generally measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita income and size of the middle class population. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Currency valuation, The strength of a currency is used as proxy for level of inflation and the purchasing power of the investing firm. Devaluation of a currency would result in reduced exchange rate risk. As a currency depreciates, the purchasing power of the investors in foreign currency terms is enhanced, thus we expect a positive and significant relationship between the currency value and FDI inflows. The currency value can be proxy by the Real Exchange Rate, Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER). (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). Gross Capital Formation, In a transition economy, improvements in the investment climate help to attract higher FDI inflows. It translates into higher Gross capital formation which in turn leads to greater economic growth. Sridharan Perumal et al (2010) find little evidence of FDI having an impact on capital formation in developed countries and observe that the most important aspect of FDI in the selected sample of countries is related to ownership change. The relationship between FDI and Capital Formation is not simple (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010). In the case of certain privatization, it may not lead to increase at all or even result in reduction. Thus, the unclear relation between FDI and capital formation may also hold in a transition economy. Though, a positive or negative and significant relationship between FDI and Capital Formation is expected. (Sridharan Perumal et al 2010).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Alexander the Great Essay -- Biography

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humanity has known a few distinguished consolidators of civilizations. Alexander the Great is one of them, and the first to accumulate power in his hand beyond any conqueror’s dream. His feats served as guidelines for other rulers like Cesar Augustus and Napoleon, who, by means of outstanding military prowess, conquered and ruled most of the civilized world of their times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alexander was born in 356 B.C., as the son of King Philip II and Olympias. He was taught by the great philosopher, Aristotle, inspiring him in the fields of, philosophy and medicine. Although he had a broader view of humanity than that of Aristotle’s perception, that all non-Greeks, should be treated as slaves. Alexander, after the death of his father, King Philip II in 336 BC, was to become the next king of Macedonia at the tender age of 20. Although young, Alexander was determined and willing to become the next great king of Macedonia. Because of his young age Greek cities, who had pledged loyalty to his father, were not certain that they wanted to allow a twenty-year-old boy to lead a kingdom. Also, barbarians from the north and west, whom Philip had repressed, were becoming a threat to Macedonia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Those close to Alexander had recommended that he let Athens and Thebes go and be careful with the barbarians to prevent them from rebelling. Alexander however, had other plans. So he proceeded north, and drove the barbarians past the Danube River. The rumor of Alexander’s supposed death, were being spread throughout Athens and Thebes, claiming that it was the moment for them to disconnect from Macedonia. Infuriated by these rumors, Alexander showed up at the gates of Thebes, in 335 B.C., only to find the refusal of surrender by the Thebans. The Thebans sent a small body of soldiers, with whom Alexander sent his own of archers and infantry. The following day, Alexander's general, Perdiccas, attacked the gates. The Macedonians then rushed into the city, killing almost everyone in sight, including women and children. They continued on and burned the entire city of Thebes to the ground. This display proved as an example to the rest of Greece. Athens quickly rethought their decision of before to not follow Alexander, and chose to come to terms with their new leader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alexander was determined to achieve the dream of his father, the takeover of the Persian Empire. T... three quarters of his army to starvation and the harsh conditions of the desert. When the survivors reached the region called Carmania, their fortune changed dramatically as they were welcomed into the prosperous land. Alexander and his men celebrated the end of their ordeal in the desert and traveled in luxury to Harmezeia, where they rejoined Nearchus and his soldiers. Then the whole army marched inland to Persis to rest. In 324 B.C.E., Alexander furthered his mission to assimilate Macedonian and Persian cultures when he arranged thousands of marriages between the Greek soldiers and Persian women in Susa. Alexander himself took a second wife, Stateira, one of Darius' daughters. In the spring of the same year while Alexander's army was stationed in Ecbatana, his best friend, Hephaestion, died of a fever. He was overcome with grief, and he consoled himself by leading a campaign against a tribe of brigands called the Cossaeans. The next year, Alexander traveled with his men to Babylon despite numerous threatening omens. The omens were so frequent and ominous that Alexander feared that he had fallen out of favor with the gods. He died of a fever on June 10, 323 B.C.E. Alexander the Great Essay -- Biography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humanity has known a few distinguished consolidators of civilizations. Alexander the Great is one of them, and the first to accumulate power in his hand beyond any conqueror’s dream. His feats served as guidelines for other rulers like Cesar Augustus and Napoleon, who, by means of outstanding military prowess, conquered and ruled most of the civilized world of their times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alexander was born in 356 B.C., as the son of King Philip II and Olympias. He was taught by the great philosopher, Aristotle, inspiring him in the fields of, philosophy and medicine. Although he had a broader view of humanity than that of Aristotle’s perception, that all non-Greeks, should be treated as slaves. Alexander, after the death of his father, King Philip II in 336 BC, was to become the next king of Macedonia at the tender age of 20. Although young, Alexander was determined and willing to become the next great king of Macedonia. Because of his young age Greek cities, who had pledged loyalty to his father, were not certain that they wanted to allow a twenty-year-old boy to lead a kingdom. Also, barbarians from the north and west, whom Philip had repressed, were becoming a threat to Macedonia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Those close to Alexander had recommended that he let Athens and Thebes go and be careful with the barbarians to prevent them from rebelling. Alexander however, had other plans. So he proceeded north, and drove the barbarians past the Danube River. The rumor of Alexander’s supposed death, were being spread throughout Athens and Thebes, claiming that it was the moment for them to disconnect from Macedonia. Infuriated by these rumors, Alexander showed up at the gates of Thebes, in 335 B.C., only to find the refusal of surrender by the Thebans. The Thebans sent a small body of soldiers, with whom Alexander sent his own of archers and infantry. The following day, Alexander's general, Perdiccas, attacked the gates. The Macedonians then rushed into the city, killing almost everyone in sight, including women and children. They continued on and burned the entire city of Thebes to the ground. This display proved as an example to the rest of Greece. Athens quickly rethought their decision of before to not follow Alexander, and chose to come to terms with their new leader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alexander was determined to achieve the dream of his father, the takeover of the Persian Empire. T... three quarters of his army to starvation and the harsh conditions of the desert. When the survivors reached the region called Carmania, their fortune changed dramatically as they were welcomed into the prosperous land. Alexander and his men celebrated the end of their ordeal in the desert and traveled in luxury to Harmezeia, where they rejoined Nearchus and his soldiers. Then the whole army marched inland to Persis to rest. In 324 B.C.E., Alexander furthered his mission to assimilate Macedonian and Persian cultures when he arranged thousands of marriages between the Greek soldiers and Persian women in Susa. Alexander himself took a second wife, Stateira, one of Darius' daughters. In the spring of the same year while Alexander's army was stationed in Ecbatana, his best friend, Hephaestion, died of a fever. He was overcome with grief, and he consoled himself by leading a campaign against a tribe of brigands called the Cossaeans. The next year, Alexander traveled with his men to Babylon despite numerous threatening omens. The omens were so frequent and ominous that Alexander feared that he had fallen out of favor with the gods. He died of a fever on June 10, 323 B.C.E.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Innovative marketing strategies

It was not another mundane day of my life as everything seemed bright and gay that day. When I woke up, the dazzling rays of sun were sending the divine blessing in my room.I was not tired mentally and psychologically as I used to be at the threshold of each new day previously. It was my first day at work after promotion. When I reached office, every face was glowing with mirth and joy. The colors of the building were shining vibrantly. I wondered whether it was really true or was a mere reflection of inner self and satisfaction.Whatever the case was, I felt that Life had some worth and world was too better a place to live ad enjoy. My ecstasy coupled with promotional fulfillment capacitated me to think of deliver according to my high professional caliber. Innovative marketing strategies, patterns and procedures to develop new products, cost effective, time management, all these were in my mind when I heard the tone of the phone bell, ringing continuously. I thought it be another tim e-wasting congratulatory call from my friends. With a sense of pride I received the phone but there was a strange voice giving me a strange message.My previous state of ecstasy faded soon and an air of melancholy pervaded over me. The colors of the walls were no more bright, the time on the wall-clock in front of desk was blurred. I told my boss that I am laving but I don’t remember what reason I told him for leaving so early. His face was full of astonishment and. I passed the lobby and found every one suffering from strange pathos and miseries. There was not a tinge of happiness on their faces. Truth came to me at-once that this is the ultimate reality of life.I refused to believe it. My mind failed to swallow the news. I was not myself. I found her lying on the bed as stiff as steel and as cold as ice. Slowly the ice in my mind started melting and the painful truth started dawning on me. I realized that she is no more with me alive. That she is dead.I started becoming disi llusioned about everything. I found myself face to face with the eternal realities of this earth. That death is the only thing in life that is absolutely certain.Sweeping reforms and far reaching revolutions may take place in society, but death, will remain. Science may learn the art of prolonging the individual human life far, far beyond the century mark, but ultimately death must and will come. This being so, one should have thought that human beings would, through sheer familiarity, become so used to this event that they would hardly think about it, emotionally, philosophically or poetically.My mother’s death made me realized that try as we may, we cannot summon back from the past those rare remembered joys that lifted us on high. Time is irreversible, and one minute gone is as completely irretrievable as a day or a year. It is not only the fleetingness of single moment that makes us sensitive to the sting of transience. Months, years, decades, whole lives seem to pass wit h the same uncanny swiftness. Almost before we know it the cold gray season of death is upon us. These are hard truths that I started understanding.The true comprehension of death never made me recover from the shock of my beloved mother’s death. It haunts me hitherto. My grief made me completely lost my poise and become almost insane. The world, it appeared to me, had raised a sting for me, and I knew not where to descend. I seemed to waver and quiver and threatened to burst into flames. I wanted to remain unseen, unnoticed and always felt that people were pointing at me.At odds with the world, I remained lost in my thoughts, sojourning in other-worldly regions, unmindful of what happened around me. I started feeling like a hollow man in a possibly hollow universe. Life loses all its meanings for me. I found myself like a square peg in a round hole. The death of my mother made me stand face to face with the greatest mystery of all times. The grief that this event brought wit h it and the comprehension of this eternal truth completely destabilized my whole existence. Â